Mathias Lauridsen & Jacob Brown - The VMan world cup brainers. :D
看來是只有肉彈Major 有脫...............XDDDD
中間那個弟弟看起來呆呆的,還蠻可愛的 哈哈
Image from MDC by Betty, please vist MDC for more pictures. :D
大家都約好是 6/1 才能更新是不是....
VMan放了 1張圖 然後告訴大家,敬請期待更多圖跟影片!!!!
Photography by Kiko Buxo from VMAN
Ford 雖然輸了...但他們已經把自個兒隊伍的照片整理好放上blog了..........
BR (L-R): Aiden Turner, James Collins, Anderson Riberiro, Logan Macrae, Daniel Robert; FR (L-R) Julian Stahler, Marcus Andersson (captain), Darrin Haala
Ford Team
from fordmodels by Damien Neva
Check out more pictures for Ford Team please go to their blog
The man responsible for the event..the one, the only Mathias Lauridsen!!
from jdvision by JD Ferguson
The winner tonight - MAJOR
from MarcSifuentes
from CoaFA
JD Ferguson & Mathias Lauridsen
啊 大家到Thefashionisto去看吧....還有兩張有Mathias的圖我沒貼過來
source: VMAN Male Model World Cup by Kirt Reynolds
We have Matt Loewen from DNA
Visit the CoaFA for more photos.
source: CoaFA